Dramatists Guild Fund -
the Legacy Project
Watch 40 minute interview with Christopher Durang talking about his career; the interviewer is the playwright David Lindsay-Abaire.

Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
“Deliriously funny! Comic acting raised to the level of high art. . . . The theater erupts in booming gusts of laughter that practically shake the seats!” —The New York Times
The book, published by Grove Atlantic, is now available. Follow the link below to get the Tony Award winning play.

​Christopher Durang is a playwright whose plays have been produced on and off- Broadway, around the country and abroad.
Among his plays: Beyond Therapy, Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You, The Marriage of Bette and Boo, Baby with the Bathwater, Laughing Wild, A History of the American Film, Betty’s Summer Vacation, Mrs. Bob Cratchit’s Wild Christmas Binge
He has written 1,455 one act plays (or perhaps 40), including The Actor’s Nightmare, For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls, Naomi in the Living Room, and ‘dentity Crisis.
Christopher also acts and sings. He’s had small but fun parts in a number of movies, and acted in some of his own plays. Some mornings he feels grateful and bitter at the same time, which is a complicated feat.
Name Dropping: Sigourney Weaver, Wendy Wasserstein, Albert Innaurato, Dianne Wiest, Jerry Zaks, Joan Allen, Elizabeth Franz, Pootie LaPunta, Klevin Kahn, Bertolt Brecht, E. Katherine Kerr, Kristine Nielsen, Sabu, Swoosie Kurtz, Dana Ivey, Chandra Bell, and Fidel Castro.
Final keywords: cursor, satire, parody, glaucoma drops, dog, dog food, bread,